Alexander earned an M.S. in Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT), a B.S. in Environmental Science and Policy, and a Minor in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as he remained active throughout many University functions. He worked for the University’s Sustainability Office and the independent student paper, The Diamondback.
Alexander’s photography career began working for the National Air and Space Museum Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center where he assisted the Senior Photographer. At the University of Maryland, Alexander photographed numerous sporting events for The Diamondback and interned for the school’s Sustainability Office. After graduating in 2016, Alexander began working for the Big Ten Network (BTN) photographing University of Maryland sporting events and Big Ten Conference Championships. In 2018, Alexander began working for the NFL as a Live Content Correspondent (LCC) at Washington Redskins/Washington Football Team home games. Alexander is currently working for the NFL and BTN as of the 2021-2022 season.
Alexander began his governmental career interning for the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences where he co-authored a publication entitled “Exposure to naturally occurring mineral fibers due to off-road vehicle use: A review.” Alexander worked for the USGS’s Eastern Geographic Science Center (EGSC) as an intern in 2015 and after graduating, continued his work as a contractor working for EGSC, National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP), and volunteering with the Office of Science Quality and Integrity (OSQI). He contributed to several projects including a carbon research project at the Great Dismal Swamp, cataloging mangroves at Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge in Sanibel, FL, and working with the Secondary Transition to Employment Program (STEP), which provides young adults from local high schools with learning disabilities job skills to help them transition from school to work. After completing his contract, Alexander began work as a Pathways Student Intern for the National Geospatial Program (NGP) while pursuing his Master’s. After graduating, Alexander accepted a full-time Geographer position at NGP where he currently works.